Delete a Practice Exam

If you need to remove a practice exam from Prepzo, you can delete it from your account. However, please note that once you delete a practice exam, it will be permanently removed and cannot be restored.

Here are the steps to delete a practice exam:

  1. Log in to your Prepzo account and navigate to the exam through your exam dashboard.
  2. Once you enter your exam click on the Delete Exam button on the left-hand side of the exam setup page.

  3. A confirmation window will appear. If you are sure you want to delete the exam click Delete.

Please note: if there are examinees who have purchased your practice exam, deleting it will not refund their payment, and they will still be able to access the practice exam. However, the exam will not be visible in the marketplace for new examinees to purchase.

If you want to make sure that the practice exam is no longer available for purchase, you should unpublish the exam instead of deleting it. To unpublish an exam, navigate to the exam through your exam dashboard and click on the Unpublish Exam button on the left-hand side of the exam setup page. This will remove the exam from the marketplace but still allow examinees who have purchased it to access it.

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