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Exam Insights & Performance: A Guide for Examiners

As an examiner on Prepzo, you have access to valuable insights about your exams and performance on the platform. These insights can help you better understand how your exams are performing, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to grow your earnings and success on the platform.

To access your exam insights, simply follow these steps:

  • Navigate to your Examiner Dashboard
  • Click on the "Performance" tab on the left-hand side.

Here, you'll find four tabs: "Insights," "Revenue," "Enrollments," and "Reviews."

Let's take a closer look at each of these tabs and how you can use them to optimize your exams and earnings on Prepzo.


The Insights tab inside Performance provides valuable data on how well your exams are performing. The Exam Success Ratings section shows you the percentage of test takers who passed your exam, giving you a clear idea of how effective your exam is. The Performance Overview section provides an overview of the key metrics for your exams, including revenue, enrollments, and reviews.


The revenue tab provides you with a breakdown of your earnings by exam over a specific period of time. You can select the time period you want to view by using the date range selector at the top of the page.


The enrollments tab displays the number of enrollments for each of your exams over a specific period of time. You can again use the date range selector to choose the time period you want to view, as well as filter per specific exam. This data can help you understand which exams are most popular and which exams may need more attention to improve enrollment numbers.


The reviews tab shows the ratings and feedback provided by test takers who have completed your exams. You can see the average rating, as well as individual ratings and comments. This feedback can be incredibly valuable in understanding what test takers liked and didn't like about your exams, and using this information to improve the quality of your exams going forward.

In conclusion, the insights provided in your examiner dashboard can be incredibly valuable in optimizing your exams and earnings on Prepzo. By regularly reviewing these insights, you can make data-driven decisions to improve the quality and performance of your exams, ultimately leading to greater success on the platform.

If you have any questions or concerns about your exam insights, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for assistance.

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