Examiner Code of Conduct

Prepzo works to connect people through knowledge. To foster a diverse and inclusive prepping environment, we expect examiners to maintain a level of conduct both on and off the Prepzo platform in accordance with Prepzo’s values so that together, we can build a truly safe and welcoming platform.

Examiners who are found to be engaging in, or censured for, activities that could negatively impact user trust, will face a review of their account status. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Criminal or harmful conduct 
  • Hateful or discriminatory conduct or speech 
  • Spreading disinformation or misinformation

When investigating allegations of examiner misconduct, Prepzo’s Trust & Safety Team will consider a variety of factors, including:  

  • The nature of the offense
  • The gravity of the offense
  • Related legal or disciplinary proceedings
  • Any demonstrated patterns of troubling behavior
  • The extent to which the conduct is related to the individual’s role as an examiner
  • The life circumstances and age of the individual at the time of the offense
  • The time elapsed since the activity
  • Demonstrated efforts made toward rehabilitation

We understand everyone makes mistakes. At Prepzo, we believe that anyone, anywhere, can build a better life through access to education. Any inquiries into examiner conduct handled by the Trust & Safety Team will be focused on evaluating the ongoing impacts and risks to enrollments, and the larger platform. 

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