Demo Exam: Quality Standards

What is Demo Exam? Why are They Important?

The demo Exam will act as a teaser for your exam. Examinees will decide to take your exam based on the quality of this demo.

Remember, we do check for this as part of our Quality Review Process.

Best practices

  • Describe how the demo exam is relevant. Examinees need to know why they should take your practice exam. Describe how your demo is related to the practice exam and what examinees should know about your practice exam from completing it.
  • Connect the practice exam to exam goals. Examinees want to know that an exam is going to help them achieve their goals.

How to add a demo to your Prepzo practice exam

To add a demo to your practice exam, please follow the steps below.

  1. Login to your Prepzo account and navigate to the examiner dashboard.
  2. Select the practice exam you want to add a demo exam to and enter the exam. (The edits can be done to unpublished exams only).
  3. On the left-hand side, navigate through the Exam Setup section.

  1. Scroll down to the Demo Exam section and choose Yes answer to add a demo to your practice exam.

  1. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
  2. On the left-hand side, navigate through the Demo Exam section, then fill in your demo exam questions.

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