Add an Exam Description

Creating a well-written, optimized exam description is one of the most important tools for converting new examinees into your practice exam.

Adding an exam description:

  1. Login to your Prepzo account and navigate to the examiner dashboard.
  2. Select the exam you want to add a description to and enter the exam. (The edits can be done to unpublished exams only).
  3. Navigate to the Exam Description field, located inside the Exam Landing Page section.
  4. Edit your exam description in the provided text box. Be sure to provide a clear and concise overview of your exam content, the format of the exam, and any other relevant information that examinees may find useful.
  5. Once you have completed writing your exam description, click on the Save button at the bottom of the page. (Request to publish the exam if you want to go live).

Here are some tips for writing a compelling exam description:

  • Keep it brief and to the point. Aim to write around 72- 120 words, so that examinees can quickly and easily understand what your practice exam is about.
  • Use plain and simple language. Avoid using technical jargon or complicated terms that may confuse examinees.
  • Highlight the key points. Focus on the most important aspects of your practice exam, such as the topics covered, the exam format, and the difficulty level.
  • Be honest and transparent. Make sure to accurately represent your practice exam, so that examinees know what to expect.
  • Review and revise. Take the time to read over your exam description and make any necessary changes to ensure that it is clear, accurate, and engaging.

By following these steps and tips, you can create an effective and informative exam description that will help attract examinees and set expectations for your practice exam.

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