Selling Practice Exams on Prepzo: FAQ

We're happy you're interested in becoming a Prepzo examiner. At Prepzo you can create and earn profit from what you know, or what you love, on a platform that will help millions of examinees to prep.

Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions we receive regarding the prepping experience on Prepzo, and becoming a Prepzo examiner.

How do I register as a Prepzo examiner?

Learn how to set up your examiner account.

Can I create an exam on any topic?

You are free to choose the exam topic you wish to create on Prepzo.

Please refer to our restricted topics list, however, for details on the topics that we do not accept.

Do I have to pay any fees in order to become an examiner?

There is no fee to be an examiner on Prepzo. Examiners are paid according to a revenue share model. 

Learn more about Prepzo’s examiner revenue share.

What approval do I need to get started as an examiner?

No approval is needed to get started. Before an examiner can publish an exam on the Prepzo marketplace.

Are there any requirements that my exam must meet?

No, but make sure you have filled in the required fields.

In order to ensure that examinees have great prepping experiences, we also have a Quality Review Process that every exam goes through. 

Learn more about our exam quality checklist and our quality review process.

What’s the general structure of a Prepzo exam? What is the primary prepping method?

A standard Prepzo exam is a multiple-choice question base. In addition, we also offer examiners the ability to create a Demo.

How do I get my exam materials on your site?

Since we function primarily as an on-demand, practice exams marketplace, you’ll need to upload your questions files directly to Prepzo. In other words, examinees must be able to view your practice exam questions on the Prepzo platform.

In addition to our standard exam uploader, we offer the ability to upload materials in bulk. Learn more about our bulk file uploader.

Does Prepzo retain exclusive rights to my exam if I sell it on your platform?

No. Our marketplace model means that when you publish an exam on our platform, you retain all the rights to your content.  You simply grant us a license to host the practice exam and make it available to our users, and to advertise your exam on our platform and on third-party services.  

These license terms are outlined in detail in Prepzo's examiner terms. You can also offer your exam on other services, but we ask that your exam is never offered for a lower price than on Prepzo.

What languages can exams be written in?

The English language is only available for the Prepzo exam you write, and you are welcome to create an exam in it. 

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