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Using the Bulk File Uploader

Accessing the Bulk File Uploader

You can access the file uploader by clicking on the exam you wish to edit, on the Examiner's Dashboard. The Bulk Uploader icon is located on the top right-hand side of the Exam Structure section (Questions، and Demo Questions).

Using Prepzo Questions Import Template

You can download Prepzo Questions Import Template and start filling in your practice test before you upload it.

To add questions to your practice exam, follow these steps:

  • Login to your Prepzo account and navigate to the examiner's dashboard.
  • Select the exam you want to add the questions to and enter the exam. (The edits can be done to unpublished exams only).
  • Navigate to the Questions field, located inside the Exam Structure section.
  • Click on the Bulk Upload button on the top right.
  • Download Prepzo's Template.
  • Follow the instructions on the first sheet of Prepzo's template.
  • Fill out the template with your practice test Question Types, Points, Questions text & Answers, based on the template's order.
  • Save the template after filling it out and upload it again. (Request to publish the exam if you want to go live).

Note: If your exam requires images or videos, you can return to those specific questions after completing the bulk-upload process and add them manually.

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