Marketing Tools: Rules and Guidelines

Prepzo offers marketing tools so that examiners can market only their Prepzo exams to their examinees. There is no space where you can market other related products to examinees.

The marketing tools Prepzo offers are:

  • Exam Landing Page to communicate the value of the exam
  • Coupons promote the examiner’s other Prepzo exams to examinees 

These tools are meant to help the examiner engage their audience outside of Prepzo with their Prepzo exams. They also help the examinees of one exam discover other great Prepzo exams by the same examiner. They are not meant for examiners to market exams not created by them, or any other products to Prepzo examinees.

Remember, when examiners do this, the whole community loses out on having a common pool of engaged examinees who want to learn. Examinees are either driven off the platform or unsubscribed and disengage from the platform because they feel like they’re being sold to.

What are Marketing Tools?

Coupons: These allow examiners to promote their Prepzo exams to examinees on and off the platform. They cannot be used anywhere else on the Prepzo platform, because once examinees enter an exam, they expect a safe environment where they will not be sold to.

  • Learn how to create Coupons here.
  • Get detailed guidelines on what examiners can and cannot do with coupons by clicking here.

Exam Landing Page: The landing page includes the title and subtitle, exam description, and examiner bio. Examiners use this space to help potential examinees decide whether the exam is right for them. Don’t engage in marketing other exams or products to examinees or provide misleading marketing messages.

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