Why was my Practice Exam Rejected?​

At Prepzo, our Quality Review Process is designed to ensure that every practice exam in our marketplace meets our high standards for quality and accuracy. If your exam is rejected during this process, don't worry - we're here to help you make the necessary changes so that your exam can pass and be published.

Reasons for Rejection There are several reasons why your exam may be rejected during the Quality Review Process, such as:

  • Inaccurate or misleading questions
  • Poor grammar or spelling
  • Incomplete or incorrect information in the exam description
  • Missing or incomplete answers or explanations
  • Copyright infringement or plagiarism

What Happens Next If your exam is rejected during the Quality Review Process, you will receive an email from Prepzo outlining the reasons why it was rejected. You will also receive specific feedback on what changes you need to make in order to pass the Quality Review Process.

Making Changes and Re-submitting To make the necessary changes to your exam, log in to your Examiner Dashboard and go to the exam that was rejected. You can make edits to the exam and update it with the necessary changes.

Once you have made the changes, you can resubmit your exam for review by clicking the Request to Publish Exam button again. Your exam will go through the Quality Review Process once again and you will be notified if it passes or if it needs further changes.

If your exam is rejected again, repeat the process of making changes and resubmitting it for review until it passes the Quality Review Process and is published in the Prepzo marketplace.

Get Help and Support If you need additional help and support to improve the quality of your exam and pass the Quality Review Process, don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. They are available to answer any questions you may have and provide guidance on how to make the necessary changes to your exam. You can contact them by clicking the Contact Us button on the Prepzo website.

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