Prepzo Review System Guidelines

The primary purpose of examinee reviews on Prepzo is to help prospective examinees evaluate if an exam is a match for their prepping goals. Our review system empowers examinees to find and enroll in the exams that are most likely to fit their needs. Written reviews also provide examiners with direct feedback which can help them improve their content.

In order for the review system to be effective, examinees must trust that the system is fair and that Prepzo is a neutral party. Prepzo will only remove the reviews if they meet the specific, objective criteria outlined below.

Prepzo removes reviews in several scenarios:

1. Reviews removed by the Automatic (Spam) Review Filter: If a review, along with the behavior of the reviewer, scores high in our algorithm as potentially spam, the review will not appear. Prepzo scans all examinee ratings and reviews to identify those that are likely to be inauthentic. We incorporate many data points to ensure exam feedback reflects the engaged, unbiased opinions of examinees with a genuine interest in the exam material.

Occasionally, reviews left by friends and family have been hidden by this filter. If you believe that a review has been removed incorrectly, you can let us know at While we are unable to provide any details about the filter, we will investigate to confirm that everything is working as intended.

2. Negative reviews reported as policy abuse: Anyone on Prepzo can report a review as an abuse of Prepzo’s policy, at which point our policy team will examine whether the review meets one of the criteria that warrants removal. Learn more about when a negative review is against policy.

3. Reviews acquired improperly: Examiners are expected to follow Prepzo’s rules against manipulating or influencing reviews, as well as the spirit of the review system as a tool for examinees to help each other evaluate exams. Learn more about Prepzo's rules against manipulating or influencing reviews.

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