Practice Exam Material & Price: Rules and Guidelines

To deliver a consistent examinee experience, Prepzo exams must meet minimum standards for approval. The Quality Review Team will help you get your exam approved when you submit your exam for review. We reserve the right to re-review exams if examiners violate these standards at any point.

What is valuable practice exam content?

Since Prepzo is a marketplace for practice exam content, your exam material should be designed with examinee learning in mind, not personal promotion.

The exam material is the actual content of the exam and includes:

  • Section/chapter titles
  • Resources
  • Demo exam

The exam needs to meet our detailed list of quality review guidelines in order to be available in the marketplace. If we find that an exam in the marketplace does not meet our quality review guidelines, we reserve the right to re-review the exam.

Detailed Exam Material Guidelines

The exam material is meant to help examinees prep within a safe environment. It is not meant to be used for examiners to market or sell to examinees in any way or form. If this happens, it results in examinees feeling distrustful because they’re being sold to when they want to prep.

  • The exam material needs to meet our quality review guidelines and may only include information relevant to your exam topic. 
  • Exams should not contain content that is duplicated from other exams published on the marketplace. Any overlap in content across your exams must remain minimal.
  • You may not include links to paid content off Prepzo. The only exception is you’re providing access to a tool/product that is part of the Exam Requirements, which is stated in the Exam Landing Page.
  • You may not post personal information about examinees.
  • You may not include affiliate links.
  • You may not include coupon codes, links, or promotional references to any Prepzo exams.
  • When adding an external link to your exam that requests examinees to pay or provide personal information, please use the following guidelines to decide where you can include the link.
Example: A link to your book on Amazon for $10. A link to a free tool that examinees can use throughout the exam to try out what they've prepped for. A link to your newsletter A link to Wikipedia
  Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
Does the link encourage the examinees to buy something? Yes, and it's not part of the Exam Requirements No No No
Does the link require the examinees to provide personal information? Doesn't matter Yes Yes No
Is the content within the link relevant to the exam, and does it help the examinees get more out of the exam? Doesn't matter Yes, I refer to it in other parts of the exam, and it helps the examinees get more out of the exam, even though it isn't required for the examinee No, but it helps the examinees continue their prepping No, but it helps the examinees continue their prepping
Can you include it in the exam?  This link is only allowed in your examiner profile. This link is allowed within the exam, but you need to go make it clear in the exam landing page that this tool is closely related to the exam material, and examinees will need to sign up to access it. This link is only allowed in your examiner profile. This link is allowed within the exam 

When it comes to deciding whether the link is relevant to the exam or not, we will take context into account. This is where the spirit of the policy matters, so unless you can prove to our team that this material provides value to your examinees within the exam, please don’t include it!

When an examiner is clearly going against the spirit of Prepzo policies in an attempt to game the system or if we see a severe negative impact on the examinee experience it will be considered a violation of our policies.

Exam Price Guidelines

Information and guidelines for pricing your exam can be read here

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