Exam Image: Quality Standards

A good exam cover image is critical to an exam's success. It should grab the attention of the viewer and help them understand the essence of what the exam has to offer. Following these simple guidelines will ensure that your exam cover image is effective and impactful.

Exam cover image violations are one of the most common issues that cause an exam to be rejected when first submitted to the Quality Review Process. Please ensure you understand the guidelines below to avoid delays in exam publication.

Exam image technical requirements

Image file format: The file format must be .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, or .png

Image dimensions: Always design your master exam image at 750 x 422 pixels dimensions.

Uniqueness: To avoid confusion, each Prepzo exam must have its own, unique cover image. The same cover image cannot be used for more than one exam. 

Relevance: A good exam cover image enables the viewer to predict what the exam is about. Make sure that the cover image relates to the exam content.

Appropriateness: Cover images should be oriented towards general audiences, and free of inappropriate or offensive content, such as Prepzo's Restricted Topics

Resolution: Images should be clear, non-pixelated, and free of distortion.

Simplify: One of the most important factors of a successful exam image is simplicity. Limit the number of visual elements and detail to drive better comprehension. Too many unique elements and too much visual detail will compete for attention and create confusion.

Use of text

Textual information such as the name of the exam is not permitted within the exam image. Only limited exceptions are allowed, such as logos. Logos should not overlay the photo or make the layout muddy.  

Logos and Custom Branding:

You may use your own company logo (John Smith, Inc) in your exam image.  Make sure your logo is legible, on brand, has adequate negative space, and is within the content-safe area.  Do not add any frames, borders, strokes, or letterboxing.

Additional suggested image guidelines

Image color model: We recommend using the RGB color model while creating your exam cover image, and not the CMYK color mode since it is designed for computer screens and electronic devices

Use of illustration: Illustrations should be iconic and elemental rather than detailed or cartoony.

Foreground & background: Only use background images/patterns if they enhance or add to the comprehension of the exam concept rather than repeating it.

Single point of focus: Incorporate a central point of focus in your images to draw viewers in.

Stock photography: Stock photography can often feel staged, cold, or inauthentic. Only use stock images that feel natural and are high quality.

Color and contrast: Use colors that complement one another and work well together. Opposite colors (red and green for example) can clash and cause visual vibration. Make sure there is enough contrast between the subject and background to ensure legibility.

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