Examiner Bio: Quality Standards

What is Your Examiner Bio? Why is it Important?

Your Examiner Bio is your dedicated space to present your expertise, your experience, and your personality. It makes up your user profile and also appears on your exam landing page(s).

In a survey of potential examinees, respondents cited “credibility” as the most important factor in choosing an online exam, so it’s critical to establish your expertise in your Examiner Bio to boost examinee confidence and enrollment.

Please note that your examiner bio will not be visible to people not logged into Prepzo, until after you have published an exam in the Prepzo marketplace.

What You Need to Know

  • Relate your Examiner Bio to your practice exam topics.
  • Provide social proof to potential examinees on why you’re a real-world expert.
  • Keep your bio short, relevant, and concise.
  • Include a high quality non-pixelated, non-animated image of yourself.
  • Don’t include links in your Examiner Bio. Add them to the designated links section of your profile instead. The external links will be publicly visible after you have published an exam in the Prepzo marketplace.
  • All information in your Examiner Bio must follow our Trust & Safety Guidelines.

Remember, we do check for this as part of our Quality Review Process.

In This Article we Will Cover:

  • Where you can access your examiner's bio
  • Best practices
  • Minimum requirements to pass our Quality Review Process
  • How to create your Examiner Bio on Prepzo

Where You Can Access Your Examiner Bio

You can access your Examiner Bio by moving your cursor to the top right-hand of the page, and then by clicking on your name. You can also head there by clicking on this link.

Best Practices

  • Relate your Examiner Bio to your exam topics. If you’re selling a programming exam, emphasize your programming background. If you’re creating a sailing practice exam, emphasize your sailing skills. Writing exams on multiple topics? Write your bio to cover your expertise in all of the topics.
  • Provide social signifiers. Include social proof for your potential examinees to demonstrate that you are a real-world expert. Have you worked with many large, Fortune 500 companies in your career as a consultant? Name them.  Have you published articles in magazines? List them out. Real-world examples of your experience provide depth to your Bio.
  • Keep it comprehensive, but concise. This isn’t the place for 2,000 words on your childhood. Keep your Bio short, to the point, and relevant to your expertise.
  • Include a high-quality image of yourself. Share a non-pixelated, non-animated (no cartoons!) image of yourself to establish more trust with your students. If you are publishing as a company, including a corporate logo is fine.

Minimum Requirements to Pass our Quality Review Process

  • Use the Examiner Bio to highlight your background, experience, and credibility in your field.
  • Don’t include links in your Examiner Bio. Instead, add them to the designated "Links" section of your profile. The external links will be publicly visible after you have published an exam in the Prepzo marketplace.
  • All information in your Examiner Bio must follow our Trust & Safety Guidelines
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